Looking for the best 3D prints for your sci-fi collection?

LEGO Borg Cube. Image courtesy Ky-e Bricks
LEGO Borg Cube. Image courtesy Ky-e Bricks /

The desire for 3D printers has grown exponentially over the past few years, and sci-fi fans definitely have a love for them!

With the ability to print out practically anything you could possibly want, who wouldn’t want one? PCMag.com shared a list of the best 3D printers for 2022, and the prices start at $179.99 and escalate to over $6,900. But, if you’re a beginner, and you really, really want to add some nifty items to your sci-fi collection, it might be worth the splurge for the least expensive one. Or, you could put it on your Christmas list, and maybe a family member will give you the best present ever.

If that’s the case, you’re going to want to take a look at some of the best 3D prints for sci-fi collectors as chosen by Space.com. They also kindly provide some instructions on how to print these collectibles so you don’t waste time, money, or materials. Oh, and these prints are free!

Along with pieces from Star Wars, The Terminator, Tron, Alien, and The Expanse, for the Back to the Future fan, there’s a DeLorean Time Machine which also comes with a plume of smoke that would make Marty McFly proud.

Dune fans will want the sandworm bookends from the 1984 movie.

Of course there’s something for Dr. Who fans. Unsurprisingly, it’s the Tardis.

Star Trek fans can be excited about something to add to their bookshelf of sci-fi collectibles.

Space.com chose one of the most recognizable pieces in Star Trek history—the Borg Tactical Cube. This one isn’t the original Borg Cube as that one is more challenging to print because of the extra pipework, according to the Space.com writer.

If you’d rather go for the Enterprise, Alexei Bruton, who is knowing as a 3D printing wizard, has provided fans with the USS Enterprise Ultimate Collection which will enable you to 3D print an entire fleet of sixteen ships! And those prints are free as well.

So if you’re into 3D printing and looking to add to your fandom collections, these should keep you busy for quite some time!

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