William Shatner reached out to DC’s Superman after Henry Cavill’s career took a sudden turn.
Henry Cavill began playing the man of steel in the 2013 movie “Man of Steel,” taking over the role from Brandon Routh who played the superhero in 2006’s “Superman Returns.” As recently as October, Cavill announced that he would be returning as Superman in an upcoming movie, and he even appeared in the post-credits for “Black Adam,” which starred Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. But everything changed for the actor when James Gunn made the decision to relaunch the character in a reboot film, leaving Cavill out of the suit.
Cavill released a statement after learning the news, saying “my turn to wear the cape has passed.” Afterwards, William Shatner, well-known for playing another hero, Captain James T. Kirk, sent out a tweet [via Comicbook], offering his support.
Sending my best wishes to #HenryCavill When a door closes; a window opens.
— William Shatner (@WilliamShatner) December 17, 2022
William Shatner knows about sudden career shifts after the cancellation of Star Trek: The Original Series.
Shatner is extremely familiar with sudden career changes. After the cancellation of Star Trek: The Original Series, he thought he was done with the character of Captain Kirk, but a window opened after fan excitement brought more interest back to the Star Trek franchise. Shatner returned as Kirk in Star Trek: The Animated Series in 1973 and then the series was brought to the big screen in Star Trek: The Motion Picture in 1979.
So it was extremely nice for Shatner to reach out to another actor whose career had taken a sudden spin and offer encouragement that there would be other options in the future. Undoubtledly, Cavill will have plenty of other opportunities coming his way, but getting a pat on the back from a legend like Shatner is a boost that can only help in times like these.