Playmates delays release of anticipated Star Trek action figure

Local "Trekkie" Shelba Bauermeister's Star Trek memorabilia collection includes action figures, greeting cards, mugs, posters and much more. She and her husband, Jim, will be attending William Shatner's show at Evansville's Victory Theatre, Wednesday night, April 3.2 Trekkie Portrait
Local "Trekkie" Shelba Bauermeister's Star Trek memorabilia collection includes action figures, greeting cards, mugs, posters and much more. She and her husband, Jim, will be attending William Shatner's show at Evansville's Victory Theatre, Wednesday night, April 3.2 Trekkie Portrait

Star Trek fans hoping to collect all of the Star Trek: Prodigy figures may be out of luck.

Star Trek: Prodigy is arguably the second most in-demand show that the franchise is producing according to recent figures. It may be just as important as the third season of Picard was with regards to boosting the franchise’s demand among the fanbase. It’s not at all shocking to see that the second half of the show raised interest in the brand.

It was a well-done series, and really captured the essence of the Star Trek brand. It was also the series that brought back the Playmates action figure line for the franchise. In fact, the figures are among the most anticipated merchandise the franchise is putting out this year.

The figure’s first line for the Prodigy series was supposed to include Kathryn Janeway, Gwyndala, Zero, Dal, Murf, and Jankom Pog, with Rok-Tahk coming in late-2023, or early 2024. Yet, according to PlayMates, the Kathryne Janeway figure is being delayed for an unknown reason, with some believing the figure has outright been canceled.

What does this mean for the Star Trek line of figures?

It’s hard to say what this means for the upcoming line of Trek figures. We know that other brands are doing very well and that there is a demand for this type of merchandise from the Star Trek line, so it doesn’t seem like Playmates is going to discontinue the action figures.

More than likely and this is just speculation, but the figure may not have the same quality as the others, be it a limb that may snap off too easily or unforeseen choking hazards. Those could very well be the reasons why the brand pulled the figure.

As we know more, we’ll update you.