5 things we'd like to see happen for Star Trek in 2025

Here are five things we hope to hear about in 2025.
Paramount+ "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" FYC Second Season Event
Paramount+ "Star Trek: Strange New Worlds" FYC Second Season Event | Phillip Faraone/GettyImages
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It's just about time we put 2024 to bed. In a matter of days from when this post goes live, 2025 will be here, and with that, the hope of a new year. For Star Trek, 2024 was an up-and-down year. It did see a new show get announced; Star Trek: Starfleet Academy but two shows ended, with a third in limbo. A fourth show, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds saw all of its momentum halted by a significant delay, while the film side of things is a mess.

The theatrical side of the conversation remains in limbo over Star Trek 4, while the made-for-steaming side is not really doing well with the lead-up to Star Trek: Section 31. A film that doesn't feel or look like a Star Trek film in any way.

Yet, 2025 could help the franchise bounce back. That's why we have a few things we'd like to see happen in the next 12 months to help right the ship, so to speak.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds gets a three season extension

The big concern that Star Trek fans have these days revolves around the notion that nothing is safe. Paramount+ canceled Star Trek: Prodigy after they put in nearly 60% of the work needed to finish season two. If they're willing to sink a show that close to the finish line, then nothing is safe. So we wait, with trepidation anytime a new show or film is announced, because we're all worried it won't see the light of day. One thing Paramount+ can do is extend the flagship show of the franchise, Star Trek: Strange New Worlds to a seven-season order. I believe they already have a third and fourth season on the books, so giving them an additional three seasons to finish out a seven-year run would be a nice olive branch to the fandom.

If they could extend the final four seasons to 15 episodes per, that would be delightful as well