I get the Neelix hate. I understand the Neelix hate. I just don't agree with it. The character came on early in the series as an official member of the crew, leading the USS Voyager through the parts of the Delta Quadrant he was familiar with. However, as the ship and crew pushed further and further past the regions he was familiar with, he transitioned into a brand ambassador and morale officer for the crew.
He not only cooked, and provided entertainment for the crew, but he also tended to the few children that were on board. While not a glamorous job, a necessary one. The reason why Neelix gets the hate he does has to do with Kes. The young Ocumpan was only a year old when the two met and began dating, but she was the Ocumpan equivalent of an early 20-something.
So while the technical age was way too young, she was a mature young woman for her species. It's not a great concept and it never should've made it to air, but being saddled with a poorly developed romance shouldn't hinder the perception of Neelix. After all, he's one of the more charming and fun-loving characters in all of Star Trek.
Yet, think piece after think piece comes out deriding him, and unfairly in my opinion.
Neelix was a missed opportunity at times, but he did deliver. There were many episodes where his involvement aided the story. Especially when he got to play off of The Doctor (Robert Picardo) or Tuvok (Tim Russ). It was the time when Neelix and Tuvok paired up where we got the best from both characters. Not even the whole Tuvix abomination, but in the way their personalities and mannerisms played off of one another.
It was a truly fun dynamic to see work and one of the best in all of Star Trek's history. Had the two been given the focus more often than they had been, fans may think more highly of not only Neelix but of Tuvok as well.