Titan Books has delivered another book of recipes that is just right for those fans interested in cocktails, milkshakes, soups, and broths, and they're taken straight from years of pop culture with science fiction the first section of the book.
Before you get to the recipes, the book provides you with defined images of the equipment you'll need to be successful in the kitchen or at the bar. Also included are a collage of helpful accessories that will help you blend all of the recipes.
Presented with eye-catching images and graphics that are detailed for each, the recipes share every ingredient you'll need as well as the equipment that works best. In hardcover, The Book of Potions is for fans of science fiction like Star Trek and Back to the Future, fantasy like Hook and The Lord of the Rings , manga like Dragon Ball and Candy Candy, the fantastic like The Goonies and Highlander, comics like Superman and Batman, and even video games like Final Fantasy and The Legend of Zeldor. So there's a good chance you'll find a recipe from your favorite part of pop culture.
The book itself is eye-catching enough for your coffee table and beneficial enough to be kept in your kitchen. You'll learn how to make things like Romulan Ale from Star Trek , Arraheen Coffee Special from Dune, a Mac Mac Micmac from Discworld, a Slimer Jello Shot from Ghostbusters, a Happy Avocado Vegan Refreshment from Scott Pilgrim, and Ramen Ichiraku from Naruto and so much more!

Written by Thibaud Villanova and Stephanie Simbo, The Book of Potions offers The Chronicles of the Travelers of the World, which are presumably written by an unnamed Time Traveler. These sections add more to the book than just recipes. The quirky tales discuss the traveler's favorite methods of travel, the best taverns in this world and others, and delves into the finer points of the multiverse.
Also included in the book are lexicons, tips, and a recipe index with each written on vintage-inspired paper. Overall, The Book of Potions is a delightful dive into the best sauces, potions, cocktails, and more. And it will be available for sale on November 12th, but you can pre-order your copy today for only $32.81 at Amazon. It's perfect for the geek on your Christmas list!