William Shatner Wouldn’t Have Minded Being Sulu

William Shatner jokingly says that he wouldn’t have minded playing Sulu.

ICYMI: CBS’ new Star Trek series will begin filming in September in Toronto.

In an interview William Shatner told The Washington Post that if he had to pick another character from Star Trek to play it might have been Sulu.

"“Except for Sulu, I wouldn’t have mind being Sulu.”"

Shatner followed that up though by explaining that he was only joking and loved being Captain Kirk.

"“I’m just joking… I’m very happy to be Captain Kirk.”"

Shatner also got serious explaining that he’s worried about the human race making it to the utopian future promised by Star Trek.

The Washington Post was trying to get Shatner to comment on if he thought Captain Kirk would be a Republican or Democrat, a question he wisely avoided, when he said this:

"“The biggest threat to our world today is climate change.”“There was all kinds of interest in flying vehicles and health and the state of the world” among science fiction writers 50 years ago, Shatner said. “That we wouldn’t be melting away, into the sixth extinction. It would be a much more pleasant. Peaceful. Humane world. Than it is.”“The technology that worries me is the old technologies,” Shatner said. “The technology of uses of energy and the spilling of toxins into Mother Earth, and we’re killing our Earth and nobody is irate about it enough. And not enough people are irate about it. People like yourself — young people like yourself should be screaming at the top of your lungs to the people who lead.”"

Check out William Shatner’s full interview below or visit The Washington Post for more.

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