Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan Premiered 34 Years Ago Today
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan premiered 34 years ago today, let’s look back at our favorite moments from this classic Star Trek film.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan is considered by many to be the greatest Star Trek film of all time, so on this 34th anniversary of its release let’s look back at the moments that made it great.
I’m going to get right to it with the first battle between the Reliant and the Enterprise; this to me is possibly the greatest battle scene in all of Trek. It’s not the effects that make this scene spectacular, it’s the intensity and intrigue. You the viewer know that Khan is on board the Reliant, you know what’s about to happen to the Enterprise, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Next we take a look at the Kirk birthday scenes. These scenes are important for the movie because they set up the quiet desperation that filled Kirk’s life when he wasn’t on board the Enterprise. Kirk was meant to be captaining a ship, he didn’t have a family and couldn’t be happy with a regular life.
This next scene haunted my childhood; I still feel a chill go up my spine when I watch it. Khan is a bad bad man.
Khan’s spits his last breath at Kirk, showing the depth of his hate and setting up the great tragedy.
The death of Spock is one of the saddest moments in all of film, and it still breaks my heart to watch.
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was an incredible film that touched on everything that makes Star Trek great. We experienced wonder and excitement in going where no man has gone before, but we also saw the cost of that adventure.
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Do you have a favorite Wrath of Khan moment? Let us know what it is on Facebook or in the comments below.