Star Trek Actors Arrested For Environmental Protest

How far would you go to stand up for what you believe in? Two Star Trek actors were arrested yesterday for disturbing the peace at an environmental protest.

ICYMI: Secret celebrity Trekkies

Star Trek legend, William Shatner, has always been a big environmentalist and has often warned that we will never see a Star Trek-style future if we continue on the path of fossil fuel reliance. Now it seems that more Star Trek actors are attempting to use their influence in the name of saving the planet. James Cromwell and John Hertzler, who played Zefram Cochrane and Klingon General Martok respectively have been arrested for civil disobedience after blocking the road into the Crestwood compressor station, Seneca Lake, New York.

Several residents from the locality were taken to the local police station after refusing to disperse an around 7:30 AM on 6th June. Whilst protesting with banners as part of an ongoing campaign, the actors were calling upon Governor Cuomo to block the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) after it accepted a development in fracking operations.

John Hertzler:

"“The prettiest place I’ve ever seen is right here: the Finger Lakes region of New York … Governor Cuomo, we, the people, do not want to see these pristine lakes turned into cheap, contaminated, industrialized storage facilities for Crestwood and Con Ed. Stand with us, Governor!. Defend your own program for getting New York State off of fossil fuels and transitioned to renewable energy. FERC—the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission—seeks to keep us chained to the energy of the past and, in so doing, threatens our water, our lands, our safety and the very climate of this, our planet. Boldly go with us, Governor Cuomo, into a renewable energy future.”"

James Cromwell:

"“FERC-approved fracked gas infrastructure projects are taking over our entire state—from the crumbly salt caverns of Seneca Lake, where the gas will be stored, to the pipelines and compressor stations that devastate our farmlands, wetlands and maple groves, all the way to the burner tips of the natural gas-fired power plants that are planned for downstate. With all of New York under attack by the fossil fuel industry and by the rogue agency called FERC, all New Yorkers now need to stand up, stand together and say no.”"

The We Are Seneca Lake campaign has vowed to continue the fight, even as the total number of arrests rose to 604. Whilst I don’t condone breaking the law in any way, it is good to see Star Trek actors trying to use their influence as a force for good in the world. Climate change can’t be ignored and renewable energy needs to be encouraged before we reach the point of no return. You can discover more about the aim of the movement here.

Next: 50 Actors Who Could Be The Next Star Trek Captain

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