It’s not a good sign to drop Picard’s third season trailer during season two

Pictured: Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: PICARD. Photo Cr: Trae Patton/Paramount+ ©2022 ViacomCBS. All Rights Reserved.
Pictured: Sir Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard of the Paramount+ original series STAR TREK: PICARD. Photo Cr: Trae Patton/Paramount+ ©2022 ViacomCBS. All Rights Reserved.

Star Trek: Picard released the first trailer for their final season before season two finished.

Like Star Trek: Picard or not, there are certain things that will make anyone pause for concern. The first is usually releasing a trailer for the third season, while the second season is still going. That’s not a strong sign that the second season is going as well as expected. The second season of Picard was hyped up a lot with the return of John de Lancie as Q and Whoopi Goldberg as Guinan.

It also saw the return of the Borg Queen and a lot of time travel. Sounds good. Except apparently not. The third season was long thought to be the final season for Star Trek: Picard and that was recently proven to be exactly that. One would think that if season two was going well, you’d wait until the end of the season to announce that the final season of Picard would bring back Jean-Luc Picard’s friends from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Nope, instead, it came during the mid-way point of season two. One has to wonder if the show was losing huge numbers of viewers? Otherwise, why not wait until the end of the season and do some major cliffhanger where Picard receives a transmission or something from one of the TNG characters not yet used on Picard?

Star Trek: Picard has long been divisive and this isn’t helping

There is no such thing as a fact when it comes to an opinion. If you like what you like, you owe no one any explanation. This isn’t meant to make those who have enjoyed Picard, not like the show, but merely to explain how the general feeling among the fanbase is for these shows.

Discovery was not very well-liked until season three, and while season four isn’t as good in the eyes of many, the general consensus for those who watched it was that it “got good” after season two. Lower Decks is probably the least-watched show, but also the show with the most fan support from those who watch it. Prodigy is wholly inoffensive and has gotten mostly favorable reviews, but it’s not got the same rabid fanbase as Lower Decks; even if it does grade out better in the eyes of many.

Picard, however, is none of those things. There are fans who like Picard, sure, but it’s often cited as the biggest issue with the Nu Trek. It’s gory, violent, and very dark for a modern Star Trek show. This was something that Alex Kurtzman heard and opted to do something about for Discovery season three, and Strange New World’s season one.

Whether you like them is solely up to you, but there was an effort to make Nu Trek more optimistic. Whether they’ve succeeded is up to you the viewer.

That has not been the case for Picard, and while we’re no longer watching people have their eyes ripped out, Picard season two is still not engaging with fans the way many had hoped. This could very well be why the third season teaser trailer dropped when it did.