Star Trek: Picard is hinting at some deaths coming to the show.
Star Trek: Picard is shaping up to be the swan song for Jean-Luc Picard and Patrick Stewart. The series will look to cap off not just three seasons of the Picard series but also touch on events from The Next Generation, Voyager, and Deep Space Nine.
While spinoffs have been hinted at, films have been discussed and even more, seasons were once a rumor, it appears as though Picard didn’t do enough to warrant anything in the vein of new seasons or a movie. But the spinoffs are on the table.
That said, not everyone is getting a spinoff, and that means that anyone not getting a spinoff could be 86ed, silenced, killed off, ended, or flat-out terminated. If that’s the case, that means anyone from the show, even the Next Generation crew could be offed by an overzealous writer. At least according to series showrunner Terry Matalas.
safety not guaranteed
— Terry Matalas (@TerryMatalas) September 18, 2022
Who besides Jean-Luc Picard makes sense to be killed off on Star Trek: Picard?
The most obvious person for the show to kill off is Jean-Luc Picard himself. The actor who plays him, Patrick Stewart, is in his 80s and his character is even older than that. And a space golem, for some reason, so killing him off makes utter sense. But who else?
Considering she lives in the UK now, and is seemingly done with some aspects of her life, Marina Sirtis’ Deanna Troi could be a casualty, and so too could Jonathan Frakes’ William Riker. Another name that may be 86ed if things truly go poorly for everyone is Michelle Hurd’s Raffaela Musiker. She’s not one of the more popular characters on the show, and as we’ve seen in past seasons of Picard, they’re not afraid to off anyone.
So if they don’t want to kill a member of the Next Generation or Voyager, she remains the most likely option.