SDCC 2019: First image of Patrick Stewart in Star Trek: Picard

Thanks to Entertainment Weekly, fans can get their first good look at Sir Patrick Stewart in his return to the role of Jean-Luc Picard.

San Diego Comic-Con 2019 has officially begun, and Trek Nation is eagerly awaiting the Star Trek Universe panel on Saturday that should reveal lots of new information about all the things coming up in the Trekverse.

One of the most anticipated events of the panel will be when the discussion turns to Star Trek: Picard, the highly anticipated series that sees Sir Patrick Stewart return to the iconic role he made famous on Star Trek: The Next Generation. It is widely expected that fans will get their first real look at the new series at the panel, including (we all hope) a full trailer.

However, it looks like we won’t need to wait until Saturday for the news to start happening.

Entertainment Weekly has a special San Diego Comic-Con issue hitting the stands this week, but attendees at the show got an early look at what’s inside. And thanks to social media, we can see it includes our first real look at Stewart as Picard.

As you can see from the image, Picard is older, now uses a cane and is in the family vineyard. And yes, Picard’s new pooch is also there, right by his side. Which should make people very happy.

The brief article also includes a pair of quotes from two of the producers.

More from Star Trek: Picard

The first is from Emperor of the Trekverse Alex Kurtzman:

"There are many things that haunt Picard, but you will not see a version that betrays the man we loved from ‘Next Generation.’"

And the other is from new showrunner Michael Chabon:

"The quality of Patrick’s acting has gotten even better. He can hold you riveted even when he’s just sitting and listening."

As soon as a better version of the image is released we’ll make sure to bring it to you. But for now, what do you think of your first look at Jean-Luc Picard? And keep it here on Redshirts Always Die for more from San Diego Comic-Con as it happens.